Members' Lunch with Hon Bill English

16 October, 2014
  Member only event

BillEnglish sq2The Minister of Finance will outline his perspective on the outcome of the election and the agenda for the new government.

About the speaker

he Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance (roles he has held since 2008) and the Minister Responsible for Housing New Zealand Corporation. He was first elected to Parliament in 1990 as MP for the Wallace electorate (later re-named Clutha-Southland) and served as the local MP for 24 years until he became a list MP in 2014.

He completed a Bachelor of Commerce degree at Otago University, followed by a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in English Literature at Victoria University in Wellington. Mr English has held ministerial posts in regulatory reform, education, health, revenue and finance and he was leader of the National Party from October 2001 to October 2003.


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