Trump talks New Zealand expansion

Max Salmon
Insights Newsletter
7 June, 2024

The nation is in shock following reports that former President of the USA, Donald Trump, is eyeing up New Zealand as a retirement option.

With the two-term limit on the American presidency due to kick in if he wins the coming election, the former host of NBC’s ‘The Apprentice’ is considering a quiet exit from politics as New Zealand’s premier.

A source close to the Republican candidate understands his interest was piqued following recent news stories covering Aotearoa’s handling of allegations of election interference.

Our reporter was able to speak with the Teflon Don over Zoom this week. He had glowing words for the recently-embroiled Te Pāti Māori.

“I'm a huge fan, a tremendous fan, of what's going on in New Zealand. And let me just say, Te Pāti Māori, what a terrific group of people, really terrific. I mean, did you see what they did? Did you see? Incredible, just incredible. Allegations of breaching the trust of their communities and ignoring electoral laws to win votes. Those folks there are some people I can get behind, truly, really truly. Believe me, I know potential, and I see so much potential.”

Trump, recently convicted for concealing payments to former adult film star Stormy Daniels in the run-up to the 2016 general election, has also faced charges of inciting sedition for his role in the storming of the US Capitol on January 6th.

The Trump University founder was also effusive toward the electoral commission, who seem to have been aware of a plethora of serious complaints about Te Pāti Māori’s conduct in the 2023 election, yet had done very little to address these, or raise them with the responsible agencies.

“Those people [the Electoral Commission], they're something else. They were warned about this, warned before the election, and they didn't do a thing. Can you believe it? They just let it happen! Those are my kind of people, the Electoral Commission. They don't get in the way, they don't interfere with a guy trying to make it big in the political world. They're smart, very smart.”

Mr Trump had these final words for our reporter:

"I'm telling you, I see a lot I like in New Zealand, I can see myself really settling into the place, it’s a very comfortable place. It's going to be beautiful, so beautiful, you won't even believe it. And I'll be there, I'll be winning elections again, because that's the kind of guy I am. I support winners, and New Zealand? They're winners, folks, big time winners.”

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